Saturday, 29 December 2012

Welcome to Founder's Fort

Greetings, and welcome to my Blog.

It's been a long-ass time since I last did one of these, my old ones are still floating around there somewhere, but I've decided not to pick up where I left off, and instead focus on moving forwards with something new.

I'm not anticipating a huge following of this blog, in fact it's entirely possible that almost nobody will ever read a thing I say. The reason I'm writing it is more for my own benefit. I do a lot of writing, in forums, on Youtube, in debates and in my personal projects, but all of these writings tend to follow the same themes, with the exception of my fiction.

However I have a lot to say about many other topics, and never really seem to have the medium to share these thoughts that plague me. It doesn't matter who reads it so much as getting it off my chest, and if people do come to read it, that's all the better. The name of this blog is something of a running joke between myself and those who know my work fairly well. I do have a tendency to be... a little verbose.

However, I've spent long enough apologizing for this and attempting to condense my thoughts into something simplified, dumbed down and just generally castrated. I'm tired of it. I don't actually think that taking the time to be thorough and detailed is something to be sorry about, so now it's time to flex my wings, so to speak, and cut loose.

I've spent long enough running around in circles that seem to sail the fringe of mature, adult discussion like a spider desperately trying not to get swept down the drain - and while I care for the friends I have made in those places I do not see that growing up and actually putting thought into what you say is something to be avoided or hidden under the bed like a dirty secret.

If, perchance, I am too long-winded for you, then feel free not to read my blog. I will not, however, be censoring myself for the benefit of short attention spans any longer. Don't get me wrong, I don't judge you if you are one of these people - ironically, so am I. It's true. I can write and babble on for pages and pages but when it comes to reading something someone else has written, well my patience dwindles.

With that in mind, I will be updating this blog as regularly as I can with substantive posts. You'll find them more like essays than mundane "I just ate a sandwich" type stuff, though if I do develop any kind of following in time I'll probably post an update if anything especially life-changing should befall me.

In the mean time, please feel free to read my posts and if you wish to share them you may do so with impunity, provided I am credited as the author. I hope at least some of my ramblings will appeal to you. Thanks for reading. :)


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